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Crowns, Bridges, & Implants

Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are tooth-shaped coverings that are placed over badly damaged teeth to restore function and reduce discomfort. They strengthen weakened teeth and enable individuals to chew and smile with confidence once again.

There are three different types of dental crowns: porcelain, ceramic, and metal. Metal crowns are highly durable and are often placed over damaged back teeth where they provide extra support for chewing but are relatively inconspicuous.

Tooth-colored ceramic crowns are often placed on front teeth because they are translucent and can be customized to match the color and size of the patient’s surrounding teeth. Porcelain crowns are a third option for treatment. These crowns fall in between metal and ceramic crowns in terms of their durability and cosmetic qualities. Dr. Cooper will choose the type of dental crowns that best meets the patient’s individual needs.

Dental crowns can be placed in just two office procedures. In the first procedure, the teeth are prepared for treatment and impressions are made for use in creating the dental crowns. Temporary crowns will be worn for about two weeks while the permanent crowns are being crafted. In the second procedure, the temporary crowns are removed and the permanent crowns are bonded to the teeth. We invite you to schedule a dental crowns consultation with Dr. Cooper to learn more about this highly effective restorative treatment.

Dental Bridges

For individuals who have lost teeth due to injury or disease, dental bridges can restore function to the mouth and improve the appearance of their smiles. Dental bridges replace the gaps in the mouth that remain when teeth are lost. Each dental bridge consists of two crowns that are placed on either side of the missing tooth. The two crowns are connected to a replacement tooth that is placed into the gap. The dental crowns can be connected to the patient’s natural teeth or to dental implants.

To begin the procedure, impressions will be taken of the patient’s mouth in order to create the dental crowns. The artificial teeth are then bonded to the dental crowns to create the dental bridge. During a second office visit, the dental bridges will be firmly secured in place. To learn more about dental bridges and how they can provide a stable and secure solution to missing teeth, please contact our practice to schedule a consultation.

Dental Implants

Dental implants can be utilized in conjunction with dental crowns or dental bridges to provide a long-term, secure solution to missing teeth. Dental implants look, feel, and perform like real teeth. They also prevent bone loss and gum recession from occurring.

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